OCR Rendition - approximate
80 Life and Letters of Francis Galton should fill up my watch-pocket and as the aforesaid article has not been found in the hands of anybody I do assuredly hope and expect that the next time my foot shall cross the threshold of No. 44 a silver watch shall be given into the hands of me. Herein fail not. I have been going on with my chemistry very hard and please give a thousand thanks to arargp for Turner since it is of a deal of use to me. As the sole import of this letter is to remind you, mammy, of the watch I have nothing else to say so good bye Tut Squagde. One more letter, written to his sister just before the summer vacation to be spent at Weymouth, and the happy days at Kenilworth come to an end. [Before June 12, 1834.] MY DEAR ADELX, I think that when you write to me you might possibly remember to put where you live for the letter that you last sent to me had not the direction in it so that when I come to Weymouth I shall not know where to go unless you write. (Please don't read the following loud but let it be secret. Coax Pater as much as you can to get me a gun and ask him when he is not at all in a black humour and I leave the rest of it to yourself.) I hope that Poddy has quite recovered her fright and is much better and I wish I had been there to enjoy the fun'. I wish that you had not gone to Weymouth for you said in your last letter that it was a large place which makes it as bad as even Brighton. Try and get a great many eggs of rare sorts but not of the common for I have a great many of them and cover them with rather weak gum and water instead of blowing them and try and learn their names. I am coming on the 19th and are there many places for fishing Atwood is gone out for three days and Hugh Williams goes on the 12th. Good bye and remember what I asked you. FRANK GALTON. Fishing, birds'-nesting, possibly I fear shooting sea-birds, such were the occupations of Frank's summer holiday. Soon after his return home a new school was found for him. Tertius Galton retained the Quaker dislike of public school education and he still held to the Birmingham tradition. Had the former been based on the perception that a classical education was idle for Frank, it had been justified, but he sent him into the centre of a big town-to obtain a suitable education as its justification? No ! to obtain precisely the classical drilling which at least he would have obtained under healthier environment in several public schools. It is remarkable to look now on the ' I think this must refer to the following incident : Mr Galton had purchased horses for his daughters to ride, and when two of them were out passing the barracks, the drums began to beat, and one of the steeds bolted with its mistress into the barrack yard and took its place at the head of the regiment-it was an old troop-horse.