OCR Rendition - approximate
78 Life and Letters of Francis Galton Francis' spelling and writing do not improve, and this confirms my view of much supervision at Boulogne ; but all things become freer and more natural. On February 7, 1833, Francis writes DEAREST PATER, I wish you would send me as .soon as possible three boards just like those which you gave me to carpenter upon on for very particular circumstances and send them as quick as possible. I intend to direct the letter to Ad6le for fear if Pater should not be at home you may keep it for him the directions for the size are about 1 inch in thickness and a foot in breadth F. G. [Miss A. Galton, No. 44 Lansdowne Place, Leamington.] When capitals and all stops disappear that boy is full of his own ideas and supremely happy 1 The Boulogne statements as to " happiness have wholly vanished, and Francis is really happy. Again MY DEAREST 'FATHER, I have enclosed this note to Mrs Yard (l) as you desired me and I also hope that you will put its direction on it as I do not know it. Please ask Dely to send one rat of those steel iron traps like the one in which you caught your fingers with teeth and tell her I will discharge the immense sum of 1', 31 at the Easter Holidays. FRANCIS GALTON. And again MY DEAREST PATER, Please would you let me stay here till next Tuesday because I think that I could [learn a] deal more at [3 from] Mr Churchill than otherwise for he teaches famously. I have no more time to write so Good bye, FRANCIS GALTON, alius Snog, Lord Torment and Tease. When a boy asks to stay longer when the Christmas holidays are arriving in order presumably that he may "learn a deal more" all must be well with him ! Who Mr Churchill way have been, I don't know', but no man ever received a higher testimonial to his teaching. The Christmas holidays of 1833 had been memorable in the Galton annals. An attempted robbery was made at Lansdowne Place, only to be consummated some weeks later. Francis Galton gave an account of-the event 65 years afterwards: ' Possibly a teacher of chemistry, for according to another memorandum Francis began to study chemistry at this time, but the teacher is said to be French.