OCR Rendition - approximate
72 Life and Letters of Francis Galton A month later Francis writes BoULOaNE SUR MFR, Nov. 30, 1830. MY DEAR MAMMA, Thank you for your nice letters, but in your last letter you have no need to praise me for mine, for I had put nothing in it hardly, for I had but a quarter of an hour to write it in. When I said I was put in Robinson, I meant Robinson Crusoe, which I like pretty well. I hope you will come over soon here for I should like to see you, and to go out with you, for I miss dear Papa's greengages, which he used to give me when he was here Tell Papa to bring at least two bottles of caustic, for what you will hardly believe when I tell you that I have one hundred and forty-two little warts. Unfortunately I have had a cold which kept me from going out yesterday, and even I am now in the sick-room whilst I am writing this letter. I have been ill once before, last Saturday I could hardly speak, and yesterday which was a going out Sunday, I was kept in bed all day. I am getting on with my Latin pretty well, but now I must end my letter for its getting very dark. Good bye and believe me always. Your most affectionate son, FRANCIS GALTON. In the next letter, we learn that little Frank, as he was called at home, had spent his Christmas vacation as he did the following Easter holidays at Boulogne. Nor had there been a parental visit. After the usual phrases about liking the school and the kindness of the boys, and spending the holidays very happily, Frank continues "Please to tell Emma and Bessy to take the greatest care of my carnations, and other flowers, for when I come home, I shall expect to see about twenty roots-and please take up all the weeds that you can All my warts are gone off-except one that is remaining. Thank you 'for saying that you would keep a bit of caustic. My flannel drawers and waistcoats are very comfortable. I am very glad that you have left off being a Banker', for you will have more time to yourself and better health. I must now leave off, so good bye, and believe me Always your affectionate Son, FRANCIS GALTON." The next letter preserved follows the Easter holidays, and Francis thanks his father for buying five shillings' worth of flower seeds for his garden. He notes also that it now will not be more than three months to the Midsummer holidays-when the precious garden and all the domestic pets from dogs to Alderney cows would again be actualities. ' The Galton Bank was closed on May 31, 1831, and Tertius Galton removed at the end of this year from Birmingham to Leamington.