54 Life and Letters of Francis Galton
1856), who married Lambert Schimmelpenninck. She was a woman of very considerable literary power and made a special study of Port Royal ; her works, The Theory -and Classification of Beauty and Deformity, 1815, and Select Memoirs of Port Royal, 1829, had considerable vogue in their day. Francis Galton has said all that need be said on her separation from her family. • Members of the same family are at times mutually. incompatible and it is a fact, not perhaps easily explicable, but none the less demonstrable that such incompatibilities often reappear generation by generation. Of the two other sisters of Samuel Tertius, Sophia (1782-1863) married (1833) Charles Brewin-his grandfather Charles Lloyd was first cousin of Charles Lloyd who married Mary Farmer-and Adele (1784 -1869) married Dr John Kaye Booth (1827). Neither of these marriages made relatively late in life had issue. Of his Galton uncles and aunts, Mrs Booth in face resembles most closely Francis Galton, and she has more resemblance to Samuel Galton, her father, than Mrs Schimmelpenninck or Mrs Brewin, who are more like Lucy Barclay in their portraits. But in mental characters-strong sense, excellent memory, business aptitude and fondness for natural history-Mrs Brewin had much that was akin to her nephew Francis, and perhaps she is with the' exception of Sir Francis Darwin the nearest of any uncle or aunt to him in character (see Plates XXXV and XXXVI).
Of Francis Galton's own brothers-Darwin Galton and Erasmus Galton-little need be said here. Erasmus entered the navy, but soon retired. Both brothers took their places as country gentlemen, and did their duty to their neighbours and to their shire. This was a life to which much of their ancestry, both Darwin and Galton, had been accustomed. On the one side had intervened the Quaker movement, followed by mercantile success, on the other, the exceptional appearance of Erasmus Darwin. But the younger generation, whether we consider the offspring of Violetta Galton or Francis Darwin, followed a sort of natural instinct and returned to the land. Their love of wild life and nature may ' have been great, but it did not lead them to the interpretation as well as to the observation of living forms. For a time it seemed that this native bent would master Francis Galton. Like his
school at Reading. The other brother Theodore, a young man of much ability, died of fever at Malta (1810) when returning homeward with Francis Darwin-the fourth death in the party.