OCR Rendition - approximate
The Ancestry of Francis Galton 49 and she studied history and literature- of every kind to educate: her children. She brought the physique of the Barclays and Cameroris, and something of the courtly bearing of'the Stuarts, and the ability: of their greater ancestors into the Galton stock... Samuel Galton himself contributed determination,__ industry and a strong element of.Quaker stubbornness-but at the same time wide public and social sympathies, and a distinct scientific bent. Elizabeth Collier of more slender figure than Lucy Barclay was not behind her in beauty. She supplied an artistic instinct, a joyousness in. life, an appreciation of form and expression which are less usual among the Society of Friends ; in her ancestry we trace in addition both love of adventure -and. love of learning. And last, but not least, we have Erasmus Darwin, who presented his descendants. with that great gift,. the scientific imagination-the match which may light a strong fire if the solid fuel of other characters be provided. Before we pass to the children of Samuel Galton the second, a word may be,added here about the Galton houses in Birmingham and elsewhere (see Plate XXIX). We have already noted the partnership of the Farmers and Galtons (John and Samuel) originating in Bristol. When John went at first. to Birmingham he took a lease of Duddeston, and this house at his death was taken over by his brother Samuel, and passed in 1799 to his nephew Samuel the second (see Plate. XXX). He enlarged it in 1800 and went to reside there in 1801. Samuel soon after his marriage had bought a house in Five Ways, Birmingham, and added the next house to it. But in 1785 he went to live at Great Barr', a large country house about four miles out of Birmingham, spending the winter in various houses in Birmingham. In 1702 the shop of Joseph Farmer was in the corner of Bull Street and the Minories in Old Square, Birmingham. He was an ironworker, who became a successful gunsmith. He lived in the Square till 1735 when he moved to the house in Steelhouse Lane, known afterwards as Farmer and Galton's house and subsequently still as Galton's Bank (see 1 This house, of which we give the photograph of a water colour (see Plate XXXI),was a frequent meeting place of the members of the Lunar Society. An interesting account of the meetings at Great Barr in her childhood is given by Mary Anne Galton (Mrs Schimmelpenninck). There is a paper in the Birmingham and Midland Institute Archaeological Section, Transactions, 1890, pp. 79-84, by H. 0. Bolton, on the Lunar Society with references to Great Barr. P. G. 7