Life and Letters of Francis Galton
to the due appreciation of what Galton laboured to do and what he hoped in the future might be done in this field.
It is only fitting that I should put on record here the ready help I have received in innumerable ways from Francis Galton's relatives and friends. For letters, papers and the reproduction of illustrative portraits I have in the first place to thank Mr Edward Wheler Galton of Claverdon ; to his sister, Mrs T. J. A. Studdy, I owe also much in the way of facts and portraits. Mrs M. G. B. Lethbridge, Sir Francis Galton's niece, did invaluable work in placing in order and indexing the letters to her uncle from. 1860 onwards. To the three sons of Charles Darwin, Mr William Erasmus Darwin, the late Sir George Howard Darwin and Sir Francis Darwin, I owe much information and many letters. Without their ever-ready and generous aid it would not have been possible to put before my readers so completely as I have done the ancestral history of Charles Darwin. To Mr Francis Rhodes Darwin and to Colonel C. W. Darwin I am much indebted for particulars and photographs of the Darwin portraits at Creskeld Hall, and to Lady George Darwin for kindly help after the death of her husband. The Rev. Darwin Wilmot placed at my disposal most valuable manuscript material as to his grandfather, Sir Francis Sac heverell Darwin, as to his great-grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, and as to the family history of the Darwins. Mrs William Wavell, great-granddaughter of Erasmus Darwin, allowed me to see her Darwin portraits and manuscripts. Several other members of the family also have most kindly shown me illustrative material, or provided me with data. Many friends and correspondents of Francis Galton have allowed me to take copies of his letters, which will find due acknowledgment in my second volume, where these letters are used.
In the heavy pedigree work of this volume I have received continual assistance in search work from my colleague Miss Amy Barrington and in the laborious drafting of the pedigrees for engraving from the Hon. Secretary of the Galton Laboratory, Miss H. Gertrude Jones. My heartiest thanks are due to them both for the patience which they have brought to their tasks, and the invariable suavity they have shown to a frequently overworked and occasionally irascible taskmaster. To my friend and colleague Professor W. Paton Ker I am very grateful for a variety of suggestions and corrections during proof.