
OCR Rendition - approximate

470 Miscellanea. [Sept. " Postal Reform (two memoirs). " Reform in the Work of the Medical Profession. " Confederated Homes and Co-operative Housekeeping. East Morley and Bradford Savings Bank. " Savings Bank in Schools. " Principles of Penal Legislation. " Reformatory and Industrial School System: its Evils and Dangers. " Study of Education as a Science. " Standard of National Education. " Scheme for the Technical Education of those interested in Land. " Teaching of Hygiene in Government Schools. " Practical Difficulties in working the Elementary Education Act (1870). " Industrial Schools. " Educational Statistics of Bradford. " Prevailing Mode of Preparation for Competitive Examinations. " Economical Aspects of Endowments of Education and Original Research. " Economic Use of Endowments. '` Sanitary Legislation and Organisation. " A new Method of Promoting the Sanification of our Cities. " Purity and Impurity in the Use and Abuse of Water. " Reclamation and Sanification of the Pontine Marshes. " Mortality of Adolescence. " Value of European Life in India in its Social, Political, and Economic Aspects. " Death-rates of some Health Resorts, and specially of Clifton. " Comparative Mortality of Abstainers and Non-Abstainers from Alcoholic Liquors. " Increase of Drunkenness among the Working Classes, and the Cause of it. " Workmen's Dwellings from a Commercial Standpoint. " Benefit Building Societies. " Building Societies and the Act of 1874. " Working of the Building Societies' Act (1874). " Dwellings for the Industrial Classes. " Workmen's Dwellings. " Statistics of Free Public Libraries. " Sericulture. "Acclimatisation of the Silkworm. " Peat. " Use and Abuse of Peat. " Shoddy Trade. " Bradford Building Trade. " Tanning of Sole Leather in Bristol. " Rise and Progress of the Sugar Trade in Bristol. " Trade and Commerce of the City and Port of Bristol. " Industrial Position of Women as Affected by their Exclusion from the Suffrage. " Domestic Service for Gentlewomen.