Professor of Geology and Natural History at Royal Agricultural Coll., Cirencester, 1845 ; first-class assistant in department of geology and mineralogy, British Museum, 1848-1865 ; author of " Manual of the Mollusca" (1851-1856).-['1 Dict. N. Biog."]
• bro, Bernard Bolingbroke Woodward (18161869), librarian in ordinary to Queen Victoria at Windsor.-[" D ict. N. Biog. "]
• bro, Henry Woodward (b. 1832), LL.D., F.R.S., President of Palmontographical Soc. since 1896 ; Vice-President of Royal Microscopical Soc. ; late Keeper Geological Department, British Museum (Natural History) ; author of many works on palwontology, zoology, etc.-[" Who's Who."]
bro, Bernard Henry Woodward, Director of Museum at Perth, W. Australia.
bro, Herbert Willoughby Woodward, Archdeacon of Magila, Zanzibar.
• bro son, Harry Page Woodward (b. 1858),
Government Geologist for W. Australia, 1887-1895a fa bro son, Martin Fountain Woodward, Demon
strator of Biology, Royal Coll. of Science (obituary in " Nature ").