fa, Henry Venn (1796-187J), Wrangler and Fellow of Queens' Coll., Cambridge ; for many years secretary and practically manager of the Church Missionary Soc., the income of which increased under his guidance to over ,C 100,000 per annum ; vicar of Drypool, 1827, and of St. John's, Holloway, London, 1834-1846.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
J bro, John Venn (1802-1890), Wrangler and Fellow of Queens' Coll., Cambridge ; much practical skill and success in philanthropic schemes in his parish of St. Peter's at Hereford; he started a steam corn-mill, which was so successful that it led to many other developments in the way of aiding the industrious-e.g., a loan department, which, by 1848, had advanced some ,' i 8,ooo to various poor and struggling persons, and an extensive experimental garden for teaching garden allotment and small farm work, etc.
• si sort, Sir James Fitzjames Stephen (18291894), distinguished judge ; in earlier life journalist, essayist, and reviewer ; then Legal Member of the Council of the Governor-General of India; author of legal works.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
• si son, Sir Leslie Stephen (1832 - 1904), K. C. B., Litt.D., at one time famous as a mountaineer ; eminent literary editor and critic ; President of the Ethical Soc. ; editor of the earlier volumes of the " Dictionary of National Biography "; PLuthor of many works, including a biography of his brother.
• fa fa, Henry Venn (1725-1797), an evangelical
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