Strata of Earths and Minerals," 1727.-[" Dict. N. Biog.," Suppl. iii.]
Wife and her kinsfolk
wi, Jane Maria, nJe Grant, second wife, authoress of " Lay Texts," " Poets on Poets," " Memoirs of a Highland Lady," etc.-[" Who's Who," 1904.]
w if
a fa, Sir J. P. Grant (1774-1848), Chief Justice of Supreme Court, Calcutta.-[" Dict.
N. Biog.," xxii. 398.]
w if
a, Sir J. P. Grant, G. C. M. G., K.C.B. (1807-1893), Indian and Colonial Governor ; Member of Council ; Lieutenant - Governor of Central Provinces of India; LieutenantGovernor of Bengal ; Governor of Jamaica (1866-1873).-[" Dict. N. Biog.," Suppl. iii. 341.]
wife's me bro son, Sir Trevor Chichele Plowden, K. C. S. I., Resident at Kashmir, Hyderabad, and Baghdad.
wife's me bro son, Sir Henry Meredith Plowden, Senior Judge of Chief Court, Punjab (188o-1894).-[` ` Who's Who," 1904.1
son, Giles Lytton Strachey, Scholarship at Trinity Coll., Cambridge ; Chancellor's medal for English verse.
son, Oliver Strachey, Eton scholarship.
son, James Beaumont Strachey, scholarship at St. Paul's School.
da, Joan Pernel Strachey, lecturer on Old French at Royal Holloway College.