in Chitral Expedition and in Boer War.-[" Who's Who."]
bro, Bindon Blood Stoney, LL. D., F.R.S., Engineer, especially marine ; numerous engineering works and publications of great originality. [" Who's Who."]
si son, Maurice Fitzgerald, Professor of Engineering, Queen's Coll., Belfast.
si son, George Francis Fitzgerald (1891-1903), F.R.S., Professor of Nat. and Exper. Philosophy ; Principal of School of Engineering, Dublin University. His scientific writings have been edited since his death by Dr. Larmor.
son, Gerald Stoney, one of the principal engineers in the work of the Parson's Steam Turbine Company.
Lieutenant - General Sir Richard Strachey (retired 1875), G.C.S.I., R.E., LL.D., F.R.S., Cambridge. Secretary of Government Central Provinces of India during Mutiny, 1857-1858 ; Public-Works Secretary to Government of India, 1862 ; Legislative Member of GovernorGeneral's Council, 1869-1870 ; Member of Council of India, 1875-1889 ; Acting Financial Member of Governor-General's Council, 1878; Chairman of East Indian Railway from 1889; Chairman of Meteorological Council from 188-; President of Royal Geographical Soc., 18881890 ; Royal Medal of Royal Soc., 1897.