Northbrook, Earl.-See BARING.
Robert Harris Inglis Palgrave (b. 1827), F.R.S., economist and statistician ; editor of the "Economist"; also of "Dictionary of Political Economy."-[" Who's Who."]
me fa, Dawson Turner (17 7 5 - 18 5 8), F. R. S.,
botanist and antiquary.-[" Diet. N. Biog."]
me fa bro, Joseph Turner, Senior Wrangler,
fa, Sir Francis Palgrave (1788-1861) (son of Meyer Cohen, adopted the name Palgrave in 1823), historian ; deputy-keeper, and assisted in the publication, of H.M. Records. Author of the " Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth," 1832 ; "History of England and Normandy," 1851 ; and other works ; greatly promoted study of medieval history ; knighted, 1832.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
me, Elizabeth, nee Dawson Turner, assisted her husband in his literary work.-[Unpublished information.]
me bro, Dawson William Turner (1815-1885), D.C.L., philanthropist and educational writer; Demy of Magdalen Coll., Oxford.
bvo, Francis Turner Palgrave (1824-1897), poet and art critic ; first-class Lit. Hum. ; Professor of Poetry at Oxford ; editor of "Golden Treasury"; author of many critical essays and other publications.-[" Dict. N. Biog.," Suppl. iii.]