History, Glasgow University ; author of ' Student's Modern Europe," " Richelieu" (in Foreign Statesmen Series), and " The Close of the Middle Ages." -[" Who's Who."]
bro, Alfred Lodge, Professor of Pure Mathematics at Cooper's Hill.
si, Eleanor Constance Lodge, Sub-head and Lecturer on History in Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford.
fa bro son, George E. Lodge, well-known animal painter and engraver.
Right Hon. Sir John Lubbock (b. 1834), created Baron Avebury, i9oo, P.C., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., banker, head of Robarts, Lubbock and Co., well known for the part he has taken in public affairs ; has been a member of many Royal Commissions; For. Sec. R.A., German Order of Merit, Commander Legion of Honour. Biologist, President at various times of many learned societies ; author of over i oo memoirs in the Transactions of the Royal Soc., and of numerous literary, scientific, and popular scientific works. - ["Who's Who," and " Ency. Brit."]
fa fa, Sir John Lubbock, a leading banker and governor of the Royal Exchange Assurance Corporation.
fa, Sir John William Lubbock (18o.1-1865), F. R. S., astronomer and mathematician ; Treasurer and Vice-President of the Royal Soc. ; First Vice
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