(Published by Messrs. Macmillan & Co.)
Hereditary Genius. 1869.
English Men of Science. 1874. Inquiries into Human Faculty. 1883.
Record of Family Faculties.' 1884. 28. 6d.
Life History Album 2 (edited byF. Galton). 1884. 3a. 6d. and 4s. 6d.
1 The Record of Family Faculties consists of Tabular Forms and Directions for entering Data, with an Explanatory Preface. It is a large thin quarto book of seventy pages, bound in limp cloth. The first part of it contains a preface, with explanation of the object of the work and of the way in which it is to be used. The rest consists of blank forms, with printed questions and blank spaces to be fi1ed with writing. The Record is designed to facilitate the orderly collection of such data as are important to a family from an hereditary point of view. It allots equal space to every direct ancestor in the nearer degrees, and is supposed to be filled up in most cases by a parent, say the father of a growing family. If he takes pains to make inquiries of elderly relatives and friends, and to seek in registers, he will be able to ascertain most of the required particulars concerning not only his own parents, but also concerning his four grandparents ; and he can ascertain like particulars concerning those of his wife. Therefore his children will be pro. vided with a large store of information about their two parents, four grandparents, and eight great-grandparents, which form the whole of their fourteen nearest ancestors. A separate schedule is allotted to each of them. Space is afterwards provided for the more important data concerning many at least, of the brothers and sisters of each direct ancestor. The schedules are followed by Summary Tables, in which the distribution of any characteristic throughout the family at large may be compendiously exhibited.
2 The Life History Album was prepared by a Sub-Committee of the Collective Investigation Committee of the British Medical Association. It is designed to serve as a continuous register of the principal biological facts in the life of its owner. The book begins with a few pages of explanatory remarks, followed by tables and charts. The first table is to contain a brief medical history of each member of the near ancestry of the owner. This is followed by printed forms on which the main facts of the owner's growth and development from birth onwards may be registered, and by charts on which measurements may be laid down at appropriate intervals and compared with the curves of normal growth. Most of the required data are such as any intelligent person is capable of recording ; those that refer to illnesses should be brief and technical, and ought to befilled up by the medical attendant. Explanations are given of the most convenient tests of muscular force, of keenness of eyesight and hearing, and of the colour sense. The 4s. 6d. edition contains a card of variously coloured wools to test the sense of colour.
**.* These two works pursue similar objects of personal and scientific utility, along different paths. The Album is designed to lay the foundation of a practice