of 302 to 692. The data used in Table 22 refer to a considerably larger number of persons, and do not include more than two-thirds of those employed in Table 9B, and they make the proportion to be 31 to 69. So we shall be quite correct enough if we reckon that out of ten persons in the families of my R.F.F. correspondents, three on the average are artistic and seven are not.
Marriage Selection.-Table 9B enables us to ascertain whether there is any tendency, or any disinclination among the Artistic and the Non-Artistic, to marry within their respective castes. It shows the observed frequency of their marriages in each of the three possible combinations ; namely, both husband and wife artistic ; one artistic and one not ; and both not artistic. The Table also gives the calculated frequency of the three classes, supposing the pairings to be regulated by the laws of chance. There is I think trustworthy evidence of the existence of some slight disinclination to marry within the same caste, for signs of it appear in each of the three sets of families with which the Table deals. The total result is that there are only 36 per cent. of such marriages observed, whereas if there had been no disinclination but perfect indifference, the number would have been raised to 42. The difference is small and the figures are few, but for the above reasons it is not likely to be fallacious. I believe the facts to be, that highly artistic people keep pretty much to themselves, but that the very much larger body of