OCR Rendition - approximateviii.] DISCUSSION OF THE DATA OF EYE COLOUR. 153 seen that the calculations in Class III. are by far the most precise. In more than one-half of those calculations the error does not exceed 0.5, whereas in more than three-quarters of those in I. and II. the error is at least of that amount. Only one-quarter of Class III., but somewhere about the half of Classes I. and II., are more than 1.1 in error. In comparing I. with II., we find I. to be slightly but I think distinctly the superior estimate. The relative accuracy of III. as compared with I. and II., is what we should have expected, supposing the basis of the calculations to be true, because the additional knowledge utilised in III., over what is turned to account in I. and II., must be an advantage. My returns are insufficiently numerous and too subject to uncertainty of observation, to make it worth while to submit them to a more rigorous analysis, but the broad conclusion to which the present results irresistibly lead, is that the same peculiar hereditary relation that was shown to subsist between a man and each of his ancestors in respect to the quality of Stature, also subsists in respect to that of Eye-colour. |