In each generation, individuals are found to be tall and short, heavy and light, strong and. weak, dark and pale ; and the proportions of those who present these several characteristics in their various degrees, tend to be constant. The records of geological history afford striking evidences of this statistical similarity. Fossil remains of plants and animals may be dug out of strata at such different levels, that thousands of generations must have intervened between the periods at which they lived ; yet in large samples of such fossils we may seek in vain for peculiarities that distinguish one generation from another, the different sizes, marks, and variations of every kind, occurring. with equal frequency in all.
If any are inclined to reply that there is no wonder in the matter, because each individual tends to leave his like behind him, and therefore each generation must, as a matter of course, resemble the one preceding, the patent fact of Regression shows that they utterly misunderstand the case.
We have now reached a stage at which it has become possible to discuss the problem with some exactness, and I will do so by giving mathematical expression to what actually took place in the Statures of that sample of our Population whose life-histories are recorded in the R.F.F. data.
The Males and Females in Generation I. whose M has the value of P (viz., 681 inches), and whose Q is 1.7 inch, were found to group themselves as it were at random, into couples, and then to form a system of