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sisters (if any) of each of those ancestors. (Importance will be attached both to the completeness with which each family of brothers and sisters is described, and also to the number of persons so described.)
" (c) By the character of the evidence upon which the information is based.
" (d) By the clearness and conciseness with which the statements and remarks are made.
" The Extracts must be legibly entered either in the tabular forms contained in the copy of the `Record of Family Faculties' (into which, if more space is wanted, additional pages may be stitched), or they may be written in any other book with pages of the same size as those of the Record, provided that the information be arranged in the same tabular form and order. (It will be obvious that uniformity in the arrangement of documents is of primary importance to those who examine and collate a large number of them.)
" Each competitor must furnish the name and address of a referee of good social standing (magistrate, clergyman, lawyer, medical practitioner, &c.), who is personally acquainted with his family, and of whom inquiry may be made, if desired, as to the general trustworthiness of the competitor.
" The Extracts must be sent prepaid and by post, addressed to Francis Galton, 42 Rutland Gate, London, S. W. It will be convenient if the letters ` R. F. F.' (Record of Family Faculties) be written in the lefthand corner of the parcel, below the address.