from the 18 Schemes, and find it is easily understood and much used at my laboratory.
Application of Schemes to Inexact Measures.-Schemes of Distribution may be constructed from observations that are barely exact enough to deserve to be called measures.
I will illustrate the method of doing so by marshalling the data contained in a singularly interesting little memoir written by Sir James Paget, into the form of such a Scheme. The memoir is published in vol, v. of St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports, and is entitled " What Becomes of Medical Students." He traced with great painstaking the career of no less than 1,000 pupils who had attended his classes at that Hospital during various periods and up to a date 15 years previous to that at which his memoir was written. He thus did for St. Bartholomew's Hospital what has never yet been done, so far as I am aware, for any University or Public School, whose historians count the successes and are silent as to the failures, giving to inquirers no adequate data for ascertaining the real value of those institutions in English Education. Sir J. Paget divides the successes of his pupils in their profession into five grades, all of which he carefully defines ; they are distinguished ; considerable; moderate; very limited success; and failures. Several of the students had left the profession either before or after taking their degrees, usually owing to their unfitness to succeed, so after analysing the, accounts of them given in the memoir, I drafted