limits, but they will never actually touch them. A chess board has eight squares in a row, and eight pieces may be arranged in order on any one row, each piece occupying the centre of a square. Let the divisions in the row be graduated, calling the boundary to the extreme left, 0°. Then the successive divisions between the squares will be 1°, 2°, 3°, up to 7°, and the boundary to the extreme right will be 8°. It is clear that the position of the first piece lies half-way between the grades (in a scale of eight grades) of 0° and 1°; therefore the grade occupied by the first piece would be counted on that scale as 0-5'; also the grade of the last piece as 7'5°. Or again, if we had 800 pieces, and the same number of class-places, the grade of the first piece, in a scale of 800 grades, would exceed the grade 0°, by an amount equal to the width of one half-place on that scale, while the last of them would fall short of the 800th grade by an equal amount. This half-place has to be attended to and allowed for when schemes are constructed from comparatively few observations, and always when values that are very near to either of the centesimal grades 0° or 100° are under observation ; but between the centesimal grades of 5° and 95° the influence of a half class-place upon the value of the corresponding observation is insignificant, and may be disregarded. It will not henceforth be necessary to repeat the word centesimal. It will be always implied when nothing is said to the contrary, and clothing henceforth will be said to the contrary. The word will be used for the last time in the next paragraph.