appended to it a reprint of a short article which I had written in the Fortnightly Review early in 1873, partly to show the interest with which I had pursued cognate inquiries, and partly as a guarantee of the tone and spirit in which the inserted communications would be treated. Also I presumed, and, as it has proved, not without reason, that being more or less personally acquainted with a large majority of the scientific men on my list, they would be inclined to put greater faith in my discretion than if I had been a stranger. Subject to these preparatory explanations, the following are the questions that I circulated :
Please return this schedule at your earliest convenience, with answers to as many of the questions as you consider to be unobjectionable, and send on a separate paper any further information that you may think germane to the inquiry. Entries marked " Private " will be dealt with in strict confidence; they will be used only as data for general statistical conclusions.
NOTE.-Whenever you consider the grade of the quality about which a question is asked, to fall near mediocrity, do not make any entry at all.
Christian names of yourself, your father, and your