The scientific men on my list have very generally ascribed high merits to a varied education. They say, as we have just seen :"Not tied down to old courses of classics and mathematics. "-"Sufficient groundwork in many subjects to avoid error."-" A well-balanced education, including chemistry, botany, logic, and political economy." Coming in contact with persons of every rank, and sitting in the same form [in a Scotch school] with the sons of tradesmen and ploughmen, as well as gentlemen." In contrast to this, others who speak of the faults of their education, say :-" No mathematics, nor modern languages, nor any habits of observation or reasoning."-" Enormous time devoted to Latin and Greek, with which languages I am not conversant."-" In an otherwise well-balanced education, three years were spent on Latin and Greek grammar-a blank waste of time."-" Neglect of many subjects for the attainment of one or two ; not pushing