schoolmaster. Being carefully looked after by my father and expected to do my best."
(4) " My education was well balanced ; it was general and of a very complete kind, including chemistry, botany, logic and political economy ; but 3 years (act. 12-15) spent in learning the Latin and Greek grammars were a blank waste of time."
(5) "Education included French, German, logic, natural philosophy, chemistry, besides mathematics. I lived in a house where I saw many people whose interests were of various kinds, and I went to a day-school where I mixed with the boys only when they were fresh and active. Thus I had two outer worlds to balance against each other. On the whole, I had, I think, the greatest degree of freedom possible to a boy."
(6) "Was at school till met. 16, and with a tutor in Germany for 6 months ; after then, technical training and teaching. The education was conducive both to observation and health.