though we cannot increase the national store, we need not waste it, as we do -now. Every instance in which a man having an aptitude to succeed in science, is tempted by circumstances which might be controlled, to occupy himself with subjects of less national value, is a public calamity. Aptitudes and tastes for occupations which enrich the thoughts and productive powers of man are as much articles of national wealth as coal and iron, and their waste is as reprehensible. Educational monopolies which offer numerous and great prizes for work of other descriptions, have caused enormous waste of scientific ability, by inducing those who might have succeeded in science, to spend their energies with small effect on uncongenial occupations. When a pursuit is instinctive and the will is untaxed, an immense amount, of work may be accomplished with ease. Witness, to take an extreme case, the sustained action of the wholly involuntary muscles. The heart does its work unceasingly, from birth to death ; and it is no light work, but such as the arm, working a pump-handle, would soon weary of maintaining ;