Out of the 91 cases, 18 speak gratefully of the influence and encouragement of friends.
Physics and Mathematics.-(3) . . . . I was both his young friend and assistant for 3 years. He imbued me with his respect for science, earnestness, and accuracy. (6) Partly encouraged by an eminent friend. (13)
Picked up an unsystematic education [in science] in the company of . . . . (16) I was taken to see . . . . [which was the origin of my experimentalising]. (17) I trace it to my acquaintance with . . . . and to going abroad with him. (19) The intimacy of his father with . . . gave a bias towards magnetism.
Chemistry.-(2) My taste for zoology arose through friendship with . . .
Geology.-(2) The surgeon to whom I was articled fostered my tastes. (4) To mining officers in Germany ; to conversations with . . . . and and acquaintance of . . . . (5)
Through the acquaintance of to the particular branch [of geology, that I have pursued].