father's influence. (17) My interest in science arose from the example of my father, and
&c. (19) I trace it to the earliest impressions of my childhood, all of which are connected with my father and the animals he brought me as pets. (23) To my father's example (in science). (4) Decidedly to my mother's observations in our childhood rambles. (8) My soon-developed enthusiasm must have been derived from my mother's family.
Botany.-(2) A little encouragement at home. (6) The love of botany was instilled into me in very early youth by my father. (8) To my father's encouragement of a natural inclination. (10) And to encouragement from my mother.
Medical Science.-(1) [Partly] to my mother's mental activity and love of collecting and arranging, and to my father's constant encouragement of my pursuit.
Statistics.-(5) [Partly] acquired from intercourse with my father and . . . .
Mechanics.-(5) I was always brought up