tabulation ; none from my father. I cannot [otherwise] trace the origin of my interest in science, nor were my tastes largely determined
by events after manhood." (a)
(4) 11 I should be much inclined to think there was an innate tendency, but that the tastes were developed by a good and for the most part suitable education. When at my first school, set. 101-12, the head-master gave very clear occasional lessons in moral and economical subjects. I can remember vividly to the present day the impression which those lessons made upon me. As I am not aware that the other boys in the class were equally impressed, I think I must have had an innate interest in those subjects ; but the lessons probably increased the interest very much." (a, b, g)
(5) " I cannot distinguish between what I may have derived from nature and what I may have acquired from intercourse with my father and certain of his friends, When I was 11 years old, my father gave a series of lectures on electricity, mechanics, astronomy, and pneuma-