little chemistry ; made lace with bobbins of his own contriving It was said, `Nothing escapes that boy's eyes."' (a, d)
(8) "To my father's encouragement of a natural inclination." (a, e)
(9) " I cannot trace the origin of my interest in any particular branch of science further than that as far as regards . . . . botany, I was thrown into the society of a gentleman who took much interest in it. My scientific tastes originated, as
a matter of fact, after leaving . . . . [the university]." (f)
(10) " Not innate. I trace the origin of my botanical tastes to leisure ; to the accidental receipt of De Candolle's ` Flore francraise,' whilst resident in that country ; and to encouragement from my mother. They were determined afterwards by independence (considering my absence of ambition to rise in the world) and by friendship and encouragement from the four greatest British botanists of the day." (b, e, , f )