(15) " I was in a general atmosphere of scientific thinking and discipline. My taste for biology began with keeping insects ; for chemistry and physics, by being led to try experiments. Largely inherited from my father. I have made my circumstances more than they have made me." (a, c, e)
(16) " My father's example influenced me so early that I have no means of judging, but I doubt much their innate character. Their origin was due primarily, beyond all probability of doubt, to my father's influence and example. They were not influenced by subsequent events, but the tastes once planted rather determined the events. My medical profession caused me to suspend my scientific pursuits for some years ; but the accidental perusal of . .. . brought me back again to the study of the and all the rest followed in due time." (b, e)
(17) " They appear to have been inherited. My interest in science arose from the example of my father, and the fact of my being for a year the assistant and close companion of Pro-