time I had already a considerable collection." (a, c, e)
(2) " A natural taste for observing and generalizing, developed by noticing the fossiliferous rocks which happened to occur in the neighbourhbod of the school where I was. Afterwards the surgeon to whom I was articled, who had an observant mind, fostered my tastes." (a, b, f )
(3) " A natural taste. My interest in science began very early, originating in a love of experiment, at first in chemistry The ultimate direction of my scientific tastes dates after the completion of my regular education." (a, c)
(4) " I believe I may say, innate, to a very considerable extent, not remembering that any definite steps were taken to inculcate science. I was indebted in a high degree to collections made by my father and mother, in and to early familiarity with charts of those seas, and conversations on matters pertaining thereto. Afterwards, to going to Germany and finding in