times as my duties in . . . . gave me leisure, and without any instructor. The obtaining of correct and accurate results in chemical analysis gave me great satisfaction." (c)
(7) " Scarcely innate. I ascribe the origin of my scientific interests chiefly to being sent as a pupil to an eminent man of science, Professor . . .. Subsequently I was a good deal abstracted from scientific pursuits by an early and lasting friendship with who directed my thoughts to public work." (g)
(8) " I watched, at school, the building of a steam engine at a factory, and completely got up the whole engine. This gave my mind a start. .... My father gave me `Henry's Chemistry;' that, and afterwards `Turner's Chemistry,' were more interesting to me than any books of fiction. .... I believe at one time I read little else bul `Turner's Chemistry' and books of poetry irr whatever holiday I had. . . . I owe to my mother a child's curiosity and afterwards a man's reverence for scientific truth. I cannot tell if my scientific tastes were innate. The university,