having any profession, except civil engineering, which I never followed." (c)
(9) "Ocean voyaging in beginning of life. Solitary observing for years in an observatory, placed in a country verging on a desert, but under southern skies, rich in stars unknown to the ancients and not appreciated by the moderns." (d, h)
(10) "The origin of my interest in science is mainly due to my father's knowledge of geology, navigation, and engineering. My scientific tastes were confirmed by lectures, by . . . . and . . . . and . . . . and especially by the encouragement of the latter." (e, g)
(11) "Primarily derived [both by inheritance and education] from my father." (a, e)
(12) "My first start was reading a child's story, called the ` Ghost,' where a philosophical elder brother cures his younger brother of superstition, by showing him experiments with phosphorus, electricity, &c. This set me on making an electrical machine with an apothe-