ration. It has ndt unfrequently happened to me to hear a remark or statement, which I had made to one of its members, alluded to by another, in which case I have been usually astonished at the precision with which it was repeated. The. repetition of the statement retained the precise shade of sense that I originally intended to con
vey, yet it was almost always presented in a simpler and more striking form. The essentials had been truthfully adhered to ; the nonessentials were pruned off and the language was improved. The rarity of a faculty like this is easily tested by the experience of the well-known game of " Russian Scandal," and has probably been impressed on most of us when we have discovered some misrepresentation of what we did or said. Truthfulness of expression adds greatly to the charm of life ; it gives a grateful sense of confidence towards those who are distinguished for it and it makes conversation more real and far more interesting. There is an exact parallel between truthfulness of expression in speech and that of delineation in drawing. In the earliest sketch it is far