[I am informed verbally by this correspondent, that he is obliged to abstain from writing out his addresses, &c., beforehand, otherwise he
has found the memory of what he wrote to be so strong and exacting as to make it difficult to him to deviate from it and accommodate his language to the current temper of his audience.]
" Mother-Excellent memory."
3. " Considerable, both verbal and objective ; great facility in quotations ; familiarity with large collections of coins and specimens.
" Father and Mother-both good memories."
4. "In childhood, all the Psalms, old version ; much old English poetry ; afterwards, nearly the whole Latin grammar (Eton), Virgil, Ovid, Lucan ; still later, considerable parts of the Iliad, Odyssey, &c., could be, and partly can [still] be, repeated ex memored ; zoological, botanical, mineralogical and paleontological names in abundance."
5. " My memory was very good. I remember as a boy, to have read Schiller's `Thirty Years'