n.] QUALITIES. 101
in precisely the same attire-the black dress coat in which he hurried from house to house in Mayfair. Yet he never had a serious illness till his last. There was not a day, probably not an hour, when he could not boast of the mens sana in corpore sano; and, without headache or heartache, he attained the extraordinary age of 86."
It is positively startling to observe in these returns the strongly hereditary character of good and indifferent constitutions. I have classified the entries, each entry giving the health of the scientific man, of his father and of his mother respectively, and find as follows :-First, a long row of such terms as these : "Excellent ; excellent ; excellent ; " or " Good ; good ; good ; " then comes another row in which some ailment is specified by the scientific man as affecting himself, and as having also affected one or other of his parents. Examples :-1. "Excellent, but hay fever ; father, excellent, but severe hay fever." 2. "Good in early life, subject to beadache ; father, good, subject to headache." 3. "Delicate, in early life, one lung seriously