professional engagements, but more often from myself."
40. " Considerable power in earlier days of enduring mental fatigue and of taking up without difficulty a considerable range of subjects. Example :-I was for a little while, aet. seventeen to twenty, employed in teaching, and I contrived in
my scanty intervals of leisure to read a very large quantity of Greek and Latin, and to become, without any external assistance, a very fair mathematician [my correspondent occupies a high official position, in which considerable mathematical knowledge is essential]. I learnt also Italian at this time."
41. " I should say considerable, judging by the number of things I have been able to learn and to do since adult age."
42. "I think considerable, in mind. Have commonly had it said of me that it was wonderful how I got through so much work.
Father-Was well known as a hard-worker. Mother-A great reader ; taught herself Greek