swimmer. In mind-Capable of great occasional exertion rather than of sustained effort. Mother -In mind, very energetic within a limited range. Always showed great courage, fortitude, and equanimity. In her nursing duties, whether of
young or old, was active, persevering, and remarkably successful."
15. " At the age of sixty made a tour, chiefly pedestrian, of four weeks in the Alps ; ascended Cima di Jazi ; crossed St. Th6odule Pass, walking sometimes thirty miles a day ; a et. 67, grouseshooting and deer-stalking. Walk six miles daily to present date. Of mind-See list and dates of works and papers [au enormous amount of work].
" Father -Active disposition ; he let his family estate, entered largely into mercantile pursuits, and died [abroad]."
16. "When young, a very quick runner and jumper ; good shot with a bow and arrow. In middle age, walked to extent of twenty-five miles a day for many months, forty miles in one day,