Parkes, M.D., F.R.S., professor of hygidne to the Army Medical School. Fourth generation.-(See under Darwin.)
Let us now look at the near relations of the scientific men from a purely statistical point of view, combining those already quoted with the rest, and calculate the proportion of them who have achieved distinction. It appears from my returns, which are rather troublesome to deal with, owing to incompleteness of information, that 120 scientific men have certainly not more than 250 brothers, 460 uncles, and 1,200 male cousins who reach adult life. They have somewhat less than 120 fathers and 240 grandfathers, because the list contains brothers and cousins. I will take two groups:-(1) grandfathers and uncles, both paternal and maternal, say about 660 persons ; (2) brothers and male cousins on both sides, 1,450 persons. On the supposition, which is somewhat in excess of the fact, that I am dealing with complete informa-