with all humility, as falling technically within the limits of the group of scientific men under discussion, on the ground of former geographical work, and having had much to do in the administration of various scientific societies.
Fourth generation.-Includes very few individuals who have reached mature manhood ; among these are (1) George Darwin, second wrangler at Cambridge, author of an important article on "Restrictions to Liberty of Marriage;" (2) Captain Leonard Darwin, R.A., who was second in the competition of his year for Woolwich, and now engaged on the Transit of Venus Expedition; (3) Henry Parker, fellow of University College, Oxford, classical scholar and chemist.
DAWSUN-TURNER.-This family is characterised by great intellectual activity and much artistic taste.
First generation.-Dawson Turner, F.R.S., botanist, scholar, antiquary ; a man of unwearied, activity in collecting and compiling, and an encourager of work in others. One of his two uncles was the Rev. Joseph Turner, senior wrangler