Unitarian minister ; descended from a non-subscribing Presbyterian family, and married to a wife of similar descent ; a leading member of the Liberal party in Exeter and Bristol ; extremely active in the promotion of philanthropic objects ; both literary and scientific in his studies, and a man of local celebrity (memoirs by his son, 1842).
Second generation.-2 males and 3 females, of whom both the males and 1 female require notice :-(1) William B. Carpenter, F.R.S., Registrar of the London University, physio. logist, and frequent writer and speaker on scientific subjects, in many cases connected with social amelioration ; (2) Dr. P. P. Carpenter (of Montreal), conchologist; actively engaged in philanthropic work ; (1) Mary Carpenter, actively engaged in the foundation and organization of philanthropic institutions, especially juvenile reformatories, and promoter of female education in India.
Third generation (too young for special notice) includes an influential dissenting minister and a very successful student.