and president of all the literary and scientific institutions of the time in Kingston-upon-Hull. All these were men of considerable local repute.
Second generation.-15 males and 12 females, of whom 5 males and 1 female deserve especial mention:-(1) Sir Edward Hall Alderson, Baron of the Exchequer, who was the first man of his year at Cambridge, both in mathematics and
classics, being senior wrangler and senior classical medallist, a distinction barely equalled in the long annals of university achievement ; (2) Robert Woodhouse, also a senior wrangler, Lucasian and Plumian Professor of Astronomy at Cambridge ; (3) the Rev. Samuel H. Alderson, third' wrangler, and tutor of Caius College ; (4) Sir James Alderson, M.D., F.R.S. (sixth wrangler), for four years President of the Royal College of Physicians ; (5) Colonel Ralph Alderson, R.E., a
distinguished officer, and one of the first government commissioners of railways ; (1) Mrs. Amelia Opie, the novelist.
Third generation.-I have not sufficient information, although I know that it includes many persons of ability, among whom is Major H.