Abbas Pasha, 91
Aberdeen, 316
Aberfeldy, 71
Abney, Sir W., 227
Abydos (Egypt), 98
Adelsberg, caves of, 56
Aden (in Lebanon), 104
Agricultural Hall, 217 Ague, 102, 1o6, 159
Airy, Sir George, 187
Alcock, Sir Rutherford, 193 Aldershot, lectures at, 164 Alexander, Sir James, 128, 201 Ali (dragoman), 85, 89, 102, 103 Allman, Prof., 294
Alpine Club, 190
Amiral, 135, 147
Ancestral law, 308
Anderson, Ch. J., 123, 148, 149 Andorre, Republic of, 19o Anthropological Notes and Queries, 163 Anthropometric Laboratories, Inter
national Exhibition, 244 ; South
Kensington, 249
Anticyclones, 231
Arithmetic by Smell, 283 Arnaud Bey, 87, 97
Arnold, Dr., 63, 69
ART OF TRAVEL, 161, 162 Ashburton, Lord, 169 Athenaeum Club, 12, 150 Atkinson, T. W., 176 Attwood, Rev. G., 18 Austen, Sir Ch. Roberts, 216 Austen and Austin, 291
Automatic acts interfered with, 276 Avebury, Lord, 177
Bachelor, the " Travelling," 68 Bag for sleeping, 189 Balloon, 115 ; the Nassau, 183 $am, Rev. -, 132
Barclay of Urie (Apologist),
Capt. B. Allardice, 5
Hedworth, 85
Barmen Mission Station, 129 Barth, Dr., 172 Basset Hounds, 308 Bates, H. W., 210 Bayouda Desert, 95 Bears, 123, 190 Beauty-maps, 315 Bennett, Sir J. Risdon, 274 Bentham, George, 174, 190 Bentinck, Mr., 152 Berkeswell Rectory, 306
Bertillon, Alphonse, measurements, 251 ;
letter on finger-prints, 255 ; system
inappropriate to India, 256 Beyrout, quarantine, 102, 105 Bidder, G., Q.C., 270 Biggs, Miss E., 195 Birmingham Hospital, 20, 43
School, 20
Bishari Desert, 87 Black Sea, 51 Blakesley, J. W., 58
Blind, low muscular sense of, 249 Blood, smell of, 191 Blue Nile, 94
Bob (Arab boy), 86, 88, 96 Boers, 126, 136 Bosphorus, 52 Boulogne, school at, 16 Boulton, Matthew P. W., 1g,
Montagu, 85
& Watt's works, 4, 19
Bowman, Sir W., 24, 41 Bradley, Dean, 183 Bradshaw, Mrs., 1o6 Brakes to carriages, 61
Brandram, Miss (see MacLennan), 192 BreatWng, experiments on, 276 Bristed, C., 77
Broca, 44