84. Anthropometric Laboratory at the International Health Exhi |
bition (Anthropol. Inst. Journ.) , |
1885 |
85. Anthropometric Per-Centiles (Nature) , |
1885 |
86. Address to the Anthropological Section of the British Associa
tion, Aberdeen, 1885 [On Inheritance and Regression] (Brit.
Assoc. Rep. 1885 ; Anthropol. Inst. Journ., 1886) , |
1885 |
87. Regression towards Mediocrity in Hereditary Stature (Anthropol.
Inst. Journ. ) , |
1885 |
88. Good and Bad Temper in English Families (Nineteenth Century) |
1885 |
89. Composite Portraits (four sets reproduced) (Photo News) . |
1885 |
9o. Family Likeness in Stature, with an Appendix by J. D. Hamilton |
1886 |
Dickson (Roy. Soc. Proc.) , |
91, Family Likeness in Eye-Colour (Roy. Soc. Pros.), , |
z886 |
92. Presidential Address, Anthropol. Inst. (Anthropol. Inst. journ.) , |
1886 |
93. The Origin of Varieties (Curve of Attractiveness) (Nature) |
1886 |
94. Anniversary Meeting of -Royal Society-Presentation of a Royal
Medal F. Galton. |
1886 |
to Also his speech after the dinner (Tunes) . |
95. Recent Designs for Anthropometric Instruments (Anthropol. Inst.
journ.) . . |
1887 |
96. Notes on Permanent Colour Types in Mosaics (Anthropol. Inst.
journ.) . |
1887 |
97. Thoughts without Words (Nature) , |
1887 |
98. Presidential Address, Anthropol. Inst. (Anthropol. Inst. Journ. ) |
1887 |
99. Pedigree Moth-Breeding as a means of Verifying certain Important
Constants in the General Theory of Heredity (Trans. Entomol.
Soc., London) , . |
1887 |
100. Notes on Australian Marriage Systems (Anthropol. Inst. journ.) |
1889 |
101. Remarks on Replies by Teachers to Questions respecting Mental
Fatigue (Anthropol. Inst. Journ. ) |
1889 |
102. Presidential Address, Anthropol. Inst. (Anthrop. Inst. journ.) , |
1888 |
103. Correlations and their Measurement, chiefly from Anthropometric
Data (Roy. Soc. Proc.) . , |
1889 |
1o4. Instruments-(i) Differences of Tint; (2) for Reading Time
(Anthropol. Inst. journ.) , |
1889 |
105. Presidential Address, Anthropol. Inst. (Anthropol. Inst. journ.) . |
1889 |
1o6. Personal Identification and Description (Roy. Inst. Proc., 1889;
Nature, 1888) , , |
1889 |
107. Head Growth in Students at the University of Cambridge
(Anthropol. Inst. lourn., 1889; Nature, 1888-89) |
1889 |
sob. Advisability of Assigning Marks for Bodily Efficiency in the
Examination of Candidates for the Public Services (Brit. |
1889 |
Assoc. Rep.) . |
log. Natural Inheritance (Macmillan, 1889). , |
1889 |
110. Anthropometric Laboratory, Notes and Memoirs (Privately
Printed) , |
1890 |
111. A New Instrument for Measuring the Rate of Movement of the
Various Limbs (Anthropol. Inst. journ.) , |
1891 |
112. Dice for Statistical Experiments (Nature) |
, |
1890 |