arranged in a peculiar form, of which he sent a drawing. It began with the face of a clock, numbered I. to XII., and then tailed off, much like the tail of a kite, into an undulating curve, having 20, 30, 40, etc., at each bend. This prompted me to ask others whom I met whether he or she saw anything of the kind, and I received affirmative replies from a few girls.
I then went to my Club and successively asked the same question of every friend whom I saw, but invariably met with a more or less contemptuous negative. Nothing daunted, I inquired further, and soon found a goodly number of distinguished persons who perceived these curious forms, no two of them alike. After prolonged questioning in many directions I gathered enough material for a memoir, and being determined to publish it in a way that could not be pooh-poohed, I selected six well-known friends out-of those who said that they saw them, and having assured myself that they would speak to the veracity of their several diagrams, I invited them all to a good dinner, and took them to the meeting of the Anthropological Institute on March 9, 188o, where the diagrams were hung up. These were G. Bidder, Col. Yule, Rev. G. Henslow, Prof. Schuster, J. Roget, and Mr. Wood Smith. They acted faithfully up to their assurances, and so the fact of the existence of Number-Forms was solidly established. Their remarks are published in the Journal of the 4nthropolog-ical Institute [63]. I possessed a collection of most curious forms, not a few of them appearing in three dimensions and drawn in perspective ; many of them were coloured.