Measurement of mental powers-Centiles-N umber forms-Visions of sane persons-Experiments on self-Classification by judgmentSandow-Weight of cattle-First and second prizes-Arithmetic by smell-Influences of gesture, voice, etc.
A FTER I had become satisfied of the inheritance of all the mental qualities into which I had inquired, and that heredity was a far more powerful agent in human development than nurture, I wished to explore the range of human faculty in various directions 'in order to ascertain the degree to which breeding might, at least theoretically, modify the human race. I took the moderate and reasonable standpoint that whatever quality had appeared in man and in whatever intensity, it admitted of being bred for and reproduced on a large scale. Consequently a new race might be created possessing on the average an equal degree of quality and intensity as in the exceptional case. Relative infertility might of course stand in the way, but otherwise everything seemed to show that races of highly gifted artists, saints, mathematicians, administrators, mechanicians, contented labourers, musicians, militants, and so forth, might be theoretically called into existence, the average excellence of each race in its particular line