Meteorological Committee or the Council, and to endorse, with the emphasis arising from their full knowledge of your work, the appreciation which the President and Council of the Royal Society recorded in their letter.
" I t therefore becomes a duty, by which I am no little honoured, to convey to you the feeling of the Council upon the termination of your official services as a Member of the body on which we have so long worked together. This task I undertake with a full sense of the difficulty of adequately expressing the extent to which ' the work of the Meteorological Office is indebted for its success and utility to your services, which have extended over thirty-four years.
"It is no exaggeration to say that almost every room in the Office and all its records give unmistakable evidence of the active share you have always taken in the direction of the operations of the Office. The Council feel that the same high order of, intelligence and inventive faculty has characterised your scientific 'work in Meteorology that has been so conspicuous in many other directions, and has long become known and appreciated in all centres of intellectual activity.
"With the Office entering upon a new phase of its service to the public, it is impossible for the Council not to feel that the work of the past thirtyfour years has only opened the way, as all good work does, for further development. I am confident that you will still be interested in the success of the undertaking in which you have had so great a share,' and the Council will value in the future, as they have done in the past, any suggestion you may make about the work of the Office.
Believe me, very faithfully yours,
(Sgd.) RICHARD STRACHEY, Chairman "