which to address the public, because the Presidential Address is usually printed more or less in full, and commented on in the leading newspapers, while long extracts from it are given in all of them. It is also an office that carries considerable 'responsibilities, and one where very useful work may be done by its holder. It requires, however, a more genial speaker at ceremonial meetings than myself, where I simply hate having to come forward. My infirmities have prevented me from attending any of the meetings of the British Association for many past years.
The Addresses of the Presidents of the Association differ much, as might be expected, in interest and importance. One that gained unusual attention, owing to its simplicity and sterling value, was that of Sir William Grove, of whom I will take this occasion to speak.
The late Justice Sir William Grove 1811-1896) is one of those to whom I owe most for sympathy in my inquiries, for helpful criticisms, and for longcontinued friendship. His early work as chemist and electrician, his masterly book on the " Correlation of Physical Forces," when the idea was novel that heat, elcctricity, force, etc., were convertible into one another, and his resolute and successful labours to raise the worth of the Royal Society, promoted him easily into the very first rank of scientific men. At a subsequent time, when he was seriously considering whether or no he should abandon the legal profession, he was unexpectedly promoted to a judgeship, the object of the appointment being to secure a judge capable of dealing with the technicalities of Patent cases. The result, as he told me, and as