Speke was most remarkable for its loyalty and intensity. They were fine manly fellows, and I can see them now in my mind's eye, as they came to take a final leave, when I knocked two nails into the side of a cupboard as they stood side by side with their backs to it, to mark their respective heights and as a memento of them when away. As is well known, they followed the Nile, not however without a break, from the Lake into Egypt. This break, and the hypothetical placement of the "Mountains of the Moon," whose position Speke saw reason to modify in , a second map, gave an opening to criticism of which bitter use was made. Coming down the Nile, Speke and Grant met Captain, afterwards Sir Samuel, Baker (1821--1893) and his large party going up it, and were able to give him timely and valuable information. I do not speak more of Sir Samuel's magnificent work, because it did not fall closely within my own ken, but will conclude what has to be said about Burton and Speke.
In the year 1864 the British Association met at Bath, at which Burton was to read a paper severely criticising Speke's work. Speke was staying in the neighbourhood with a shooting party, and was invited to take part in the discussion. It is the custom that on each morning, a little before the President and Committee of the several Sections of the British Association take their seats, they meet in a separate room to discuss matters that require immediate settlement, and to select the papers that are to be read on the following day. On the present occasion this business had been finished, and Sir James Alexander