for food. I n this instance the performance was due to a cow having quite recently been killed by a bear. The effect of the smell of blood on oxen and horses is apparently capricious, being sometimes very marked indeed, at other times nil. Horses are frequently terrified by the smell of large wild beasts, but I have helped to skin a lion in full sight of my horse, and rolling the skin up, tied it in a bundle to the back of my saddle, without the horse showing the slightest objection.
My late but passionate love for mountaineering was one cause that subsequently brought me into
frequent contact with Professor Tyndall (1820-1893),
who was then at his very best physically and mentally. He, I, and Vaughan Hawkins (1833-1908), an eminent classic in his Harrow and Cambridge days and of first rank in mountaineering, made a tour together in Cornwall. We chose our way on Tyndall's principle, that it is easy to find difficult places to climb elsewhere than in the high. mountains. Certainly he was skilful at discovering them. One of his freaks sent my heart into my mouth. It was at a gully, strewn deeply with loose stones that led over a sea cliff. Down he dashed, the stones were all set in motion like an avalanche, but somehow he extricated himself in time and got clear to one side of them. At another place an isolated needle or cone of rock was separated from the shore by a narrow strait through which the sea swirled, but which could be leapt at low water. We leapt it, and clambered up, he declaring that it was as difficult a bit of rock-work as he had ever been on. We reached the top and got back successfully, jump and all, to the mainland,