Hints to Travellers issued by the Geographical Society, which has long since quite outgrown its original form, all its chapters having been rewritten, each of them by experts. In its present shape it is a most trustworthy guide to travellers for such instrumental and other scientific work as they need to be acquainted with. The Anthropological " Notes and Queries " are a similar and most useful compendium relating to that branch of science. I had some share in this, but by no means a large one.
I cannot resist quoting the following letter from my cousin Charles Darwin, the great naturalist, whose opinion as the author of the Poyao-e of the Beagle was naturally valued by me most highly. I had asked him for hints while engaged on the first edition of the Art of Travel, and sent him a copy of it, to which he now refers. This was four years before the publication of the Orzkin ofSpecies .
11 DOWN, Jan. 10, ?1855
MY DEAR GALTON, - I received your kind
present yesterday. I always thought your idea of your Book a very good one, and that you would do it capitally, and from what I have seen my forethought is, I am sure, quite justified. I hope that your
volume will have a large sale, but what I fully expect is that it will have a long sale, and if you save from some disasters half a dozen explorers, I feel sure that you will thinkk yourself well rewarded for all the
trouble your volume must have cost you.-Believe me,
my dear Galton, yours very truly, C. DARWIN "
The outbreak of the Crimean War showed the helplessness of our soldiers in the most elementary matters of camp-life. Believing that something could